Madison, Wisconsin - A Wisconsin Supreme Court election official public the opportunity despite the national struggle of trade union rights was offered as a great cast again until Tuesday in the vicinity.
special something terrible, President Obama in 2012 will be supported. (. And I read Glenn Greenwald every day, so I know it is rather some very terrible things in the field of civil liberties to digest in the top of the regular fall of corporate America) I have said before, I think a primary race would be harmful and damaging to progressive politics. Would become the Democratic Party in a separate, tear that looks like a nasty bout Love in 2008. As the great Michael Harrington used to say when it comes to electoral politics, I'm on the "left wing as possible", and that's where I think Obama is. So I hope with Obama standing next year.
special something terrible, President Obama in 2012 will be supported. (. And I read Glenn Greenwald every day, so I know it is rather some very terrible things in the field of civil liberties to digest in the top of the regular fall of corporate America) I have said before, I think a primary race would be harmful and damaging to progressive politics. Would become the Democratic Party in a separate, tear that looks like a nasty bout Love in 2008. As the great Michael Harrington used to say when it comes to electoral politics, I'm on the "left wing as possible", and that's where I think Obama is. So I hope with Obama standing next year.
Unofficial results showed incumbent Justice David Prosser locked in a virtual dead heat with challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg. The race was so close that could lead to a recount. With 90 percent of districts reporting Kloppenburg had 673 188 votes or 50 percent. Prosser had 671 592 votes or 49 percent.
In the election law in Wisconsin, a candidate has been three days after the official results are added together to request a recount. The candidate must be a reason for the request, as the belief of an error in the census or other irregularities were made.
An assistant state attorney general, began his campaign facing Kloppenburg almost beyond recognition of its name and what appeared to be a tough fight against Prosser.
But his campaign has increased in recent days together, and their followers to focus on issues of collective separation Republican Gov. Scott Walker collective right of conservatism Prosser. Those who oppose the law Kloppenburg hope of victory will tilt the Supreme Court and left the stage for the court reflects the law. Election officials in Madison and Milwaukee increased voter interest in what was a dream competition otherwise noted.
The extent of the strips of most public employees, almost all of their collective bargaining. Walker said the move is necessary to balance the state budget. Democrats say cripple unions, which are designed with their strongest supporters of the campaign, and tens of thousands of people spent weeks in the state capital to protest the plan.
The bill finally approved, but suspended the legal challenges to his way through the courts. Many expect the state Supreme Court will ultimately decide the issue.
The seven members of the High Court is officially nonpartisan. But Prosser is trying a second perspective of 10 years, is seen as part of a four-justice conservative majority. Kloppenburg allies, have an alternative that the court could tip the ideological balance to the left shows.
The Associated Press Prosser said he did not necessarily agree with the law. However, Democrats have portrayed as a bitter clone Walker to help Kloppenburg campaign to gain traction in recent weeks.
Wisconsin, Republican Gov. Scott Walker did more to galvanize the progressive United States - and Wisconsin - as any real or imagined progressive as Obama, candidate for president in 2008. A dream state Supreme Court race, which was only a month ago, expecting a landslide behind the Republican David Prosser, over Democrat Joanne Kloppenburg, an Assistant Attorney General, however, a draw after the 1: 30 am, New York time, with a public record. Absentee votes still counted, a winner may not be determined until the morning, and it goes ahead, it seems almost certain counts. Right-wing groups nationally by the Liberals in the next financial Kloppenburg 3-2. There were other signs of gradual recovery after Walker in Wisconsin - Milwaukee, won by Democrat Chris Abele County Executive Scott Walker, the old office in a landslide victory over Republican Assemblyman Jeff Stone.
The day is coming when I explained why I think progressives should energy in other forms of organization, including state and local politics, rather than spread the Obama campaign in 2012 that the results of Wisconsin, an example of what speak. Now we know we are trying to do what the state of Michigan to Maine Republican - delete the established negotiating cruel restrictions on abortion, end restrictions on child labor, working wall down - it is clear that several of us should have the attention and hard work in the state race. To be fair, suggests at least one of my readers the choice of Wisconsin is an example of why I'm wrong: This sets out how Daily Kos Obama Veterans for America, the President once surprising, then, mostly in ruins campaign of 2008 the organization became Organizing for America came together in Madison, Wisconsin. to mobilize as a cohesive group of rebels to Kloppenberg races before the Supreme Court and a souvenir trailer near Walker.
I have to say we're both right. I think the day is great, and I'm glad the 2008 season behind Obama knows a great legacy left the organization in Madison. On the other hand, well, it's Madison. And so, as someone who despises a liberal college town, forget I'm a sound Badger, and I'm proud of the tradition rabblerousing. However, the OFA is not like starting from scratch, the organization on the west side of Madison. There is a venerable progressive infrastructure there. But let's call it a tie: I can not prove it had been a non Moloch OFA, my friend can not prove that it is the OFA. We can confirm that show the pulsating "Madtown O ', that the OFA does not necessarily gradual leakage of energy from other policy priorities, at least in Madison.
I'm not aware of other great examples OFAers stay together, to make local changes, I am more knowledgeable about how people have paralyzed the White House when mobilized OAF to support the president's agenda, he said, wanted to I wrote on Monday. And we all know that in Wisconsin, after a flattering New York Times profile of the Investment Banking / centrist Bill Daley to bring peace to the White House, White House sources close to support the efforts of the OFA for Democrats in Wisconsin, to prove that Democrats praised the MSM and Beltway always want proof - they hate their base crazy lefty, too!
I have most of the criticism of people who think that the left needs to unite behind Obama, but also has some people I think, too easy on the President. Even my friend (and I mean a friend!) Quoted Glenn Greenwald me as an example of a progressive, despite the concerns of Obama pledges support in his re-election. "I am (although I admit it is close) in the fear of registration accuracy Glenn, however, is not exactly what I said. This is what he wrote, the emphasis for me for tonight:
Not exactly a vote: It is the realm of possibility that I will not vote for Obama in November 2012. Unlikely, but possible. So I'm not blindly support him despite my disagreements. Meanwhile, my point is that progressives to record many other ways to advance their agenda, and demonstrate their rejection of the President, and a major company challenge Obama. And no one has said anything about it convinced me otherwise. I know some people in a magical unicorn campaign of Howard Dean or Russ Feingold dreamed I do not see it. And let me clarify, as I have a major challenge would hurt Democrats believe: I believe that many, perhaps most, African American Democrats to stay with Obama, and ethnic tensions which in 2008 would be radioactive painful at this time.
On the other hand, I mean it bothers me deeply that people who know the progressives who criticize Obama are fooling ourselves that are his "base" as their "base" is actually not white progressives to exist, but people of color. Ishmael Reed pernicious put this line in December at the New York Times, after many progressives, race, Obama criticized the commitment to reduce taxes. Reed compared the "white liberals" who wanted more of the darlings of Obama compared to black and Latino voters "who are not accustomed to getting everything." I've been getting a similar message from some of my correspondents, and it is depressing division.
I had dismissed some of the people I work with "left" and just say: Thank you, Robert Gibbs! If anyone wants an example of why this is not a progressive government, because it is. Why not let the Republican Party's policy of dividing the basis of dividing the democratic game, it is tragic when a supposedly progressive government, trying to do. Please people refute my specific criticism of the President, but do not call me names. As I said before, people call the "professional relationships" must be given specifically to the President, paid to criticize a type of corruption. This is deeply unfair.
Finally, much of the left, said the best way possible presidential primaries, the country is changing as we know from history, are not. If "winning" as in exit site of Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, we have when we lose - as with the support of Ted Kennedy over Jimmy Carter - Reagan arrived. And sometimes even when you "win" - support Obama against evil conservative Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - well, we rely on the best. Let's do more of what the Democrats in Wisconsin - to organize, track, remember, the Republican right - and fewer arguments about the Obama campaign.
In the election law in Wisconsin, a candidate has been three days after the official results are added together to request a recount. The candidate must be a reason for the request, as the belief of an error in the census or other irregularities were made.
An assistant state attorney general, began his campaign facing Kloppenburg almost beyond recognition of its name and what appeared to be a tough fight against Prosser.
But his campaign has increased in recent days together, and their followers to focus on issues of collective separation Republican Gov. Scott Walker collective right of conservatism Prosser. Those who oppose the law Kloppenburg hope of victory will tilt the Supreme Court and left the stage for the court reflects the law. Election officials in Madison and Milwaukee increased voter interest in what was a dream competition otherwise noted.
The extent of the strips of most public employees, almost all of their collective bargaining. Walker said the move is necessary to balance the state budget. Democrats say cripple unions, which are designed with their strongest supporters of the campaign, and tens of thousands of people spent weeks in the state capital to protest the plan.
The bill finally approved, but suspended the legal challenges to his way through the courts. Many expect the state Supreme Court will ultimately decide the issue.
The seven members of the High Court is officially nonpartisan. But Prosser is trying a second perspective of 10 years, is seen as part of a four-justice conservative majority. Kloppenburg allies, have an alternative that the court could tip the ideological balance to the left shows.
The Associated Press Prosser said he did not necessarily agree with the law. However, Democrats have portrayed as a bitter clone Walker to help Kloppenburg campaign to gain traction in recent weeks.
Wisconsin, Republican Gov. Scott Walker did more to galvanize the progressive United States - and Wisconsin - as any real or imagined progressive as Obama, candidate for president in 2008. A dream state Supreme Court race, which was only a month ago, expecting a landslide behind the Republican David Prosser, over Democrat Joanne Kloppenburg, an Assistant Attorney General, however, a draw after the 1: 30 am, New York time, with a public record. Absentee votes still counted, a winner may not be determined until the morning, and it goes ahead, it seems almost certain counts. Right-wing groups nationally by the Liberals in the next financial Kloppenburg 3-2. There were other signs of gradual recovery after Walker in Wisconsin - Milwaukee, won by Democrat Chris Abele County Executive Scott Walker, the old office in a landslide victory over Republican Assemblyman Jeff Stone.
The day is coming when I explained why I think progressives should energy in other forms of organization, including state and local politics, rather than spread the Obama campaign in 2012 that the results of Wisconsin, an example of what speak. Now we know we are trying to do what the state of Michigan to Maine Republican - delete the established negotiating cruel restrictions on abortion, end restrictions on child labor, working wall down - it is clear that several of us should have the attention and hard work in the state race. To be fair, suggests at least one of my readers the choice of Wisconsin is an example of why I'm wrong: This sets out how Daily Kos Obama Veterans for America, the President once surprising, then, mostly in ruins campaign of 2008 the organization became Organizing for America came together in Madison, Wisconsin. to mobilize as a cohesive group of rebels to Kloppenberg races before the Supreme Court and a souvenir trailer near Walker.
I have to say we're both right. I think the day is great, and I'm glad the 2008 season behind Obama knows a great legacy left the organization in Madison. On the other hand, well, it's Madison. And so, as someone who despises a liberal college town, forget I'm a sound Badger, and I'm proud of the tradition rabblerousing. However, the OFA is not like starting from scratch, the organization on the west side of Madison. There is a venerable progressive infrastructure there. But let's call it a tie: I can not prove it had been a non Moloch OFA, my friend can not prove that it is the OFA. We can confirm that show the pulsating "Madtown O ', that the OFA does not necessarily gradual leakage of energy from other policy priorities, at least in Madison.
I'm not aware of other great examples OFAers stay together, to make local changes, I am more knowledgeable about how people have paralyzed the White House when mobilized OAF to support the president's agenda, he said, wanted to I wrote on Monday. And we all know that in Wisconsin, after a flattering New York Times profile of the Investment Banking / centrist Bill Daley to bring peace to the White House, White House sources close to support the efforts of the OFA for Democrats in Wisconsin, to prove that Democrats praised the MSM and Beltway always want proof - they hate their base crazy lefty, too!
I have most of the criticism of people who think that the left needs to unite behind Obama, but also has some people I think, too easy on the President. Even my friend (and I mean a friend!) Quoted Glenn Greenwald me as an example of a progressive, despite the concerns of Obama pledges support in his re-election. "I am (although I admit it is close) in the fear of registration accuracy Glenn, however, is not exactly what I said. This is what he wrote, the emphasis for me for tonight:
Not exactly a vote: It is the realm of possibility that I will not vote for Obama in November 2012. Unlikely, but possible. So I'm not blindly support him despite my disagreements. Meanwhile, my point is that progressives to record many other ways to advance their agenda, and demonstrate their rejection of the President, and a major company challenge Obama. And no one has said anything about it convinced me otherwise. I know some people in a magical unicorn campaign of Howard Dean or Russ Feingold dreamed I do not see it. And let me clarify, as I have a major challenge would hurt Democrats believe: I believe that many, perhaps most, African American Democrats to stay with Obama, and ethnic tensions which in 2008 would be radioactive painful at this time.
On the other hand, I mean it bothers me deeply that people who know the progressives who criticize Obama are fooling ourselves that are his "base" as their "base" is actually not white progressives to exist, but people of color. Ishmael Reed pernicious put this line in December at the New York Times, after many progressives, race, Obama criticized the commitment to reduce taxes. Reed compared the "white liberals" who wanted more of the darlings of Obama compared to black and Latino voters "who are not accustomed to getting everything." I've been getting a similar message from some of my correspondents, and it is depressing division.
I had dismissed some of the people I work with "left" and just say: Thank you, Robert Gibbs! If anyone wants an example of why this is not a progressive government, because it is. Why not let the Republican Party's policy of dividing the basis of dividing the democratic game, it is tragic when a supposedly progressive government, trying to do. Please people refute my specific criticism of the President, but do not call me names. As I said before, people call the "professional relationships" must be given specifically to the President, paid to criticize a type of corruption. This is deeply unfair.
Finally, much of the left, said the best way possible presidential primaries, the country is changing as we know from history, are not. If "winning" as in exit site of Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, we have when we lose - as with the support of Ted Kennedy over Jimmy Carter - Reagan arrived. And sometimes even when you "win" - support Obama against evil conservative Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - well, we rely on the best. Let's do more of what the Democrats in Wisconsin - to organize, track, remember, the Republican right - and fewer arguments about the Obama campaign.
Write commentsFinally, much of the left, said the best way possible presidential primaries, the country is changing as we know from history, are not. If "winning" as in exit site of Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, we have when we lose - as with the support of Ted Kennedy over Jimmy Carter - Reagan arrived. And sometimes even when you "win" - support Obama against evil conservative Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - well, we rely on the best. Let's do more of what the Democrats in Wisconsin - to organize, track, remember, the Republican right - and fewer arguments about the Obama campaign.
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