The federal government is about to stop, the long-term consequences for the economy and float our national debt. But in the short term, making a stop for those of us who live, work and play in Washington say?
Obama Administration and Congress in the White House negotiators worked until almost 2 clock Thursday morning in an effort to avoid a budget that would avoid a complete shutdown of government.
Obama Administration and Congress in the White House negotiators worked until almost 2 clock Thursday morning in an effort to avoid a budget that would avoid a complete shutdown of government.
Many questions remain about what really happened, if Congress can come up with a compromise budget by the end of Friday, but remains the most basic services exist. Nevertheless, we can not help but wonder that Saturday morning, like Washington, the first day, if the shutdown would seek to take effect.
Therefore, we have a list of services that should continue, which will be shut down for good, and perhaps put in place do not know until the last moment:
Open during the closure
* Law Enforcement: Public safety is not permitted in danger, although delays are expected for the processing of applications for firearms, alcohol, tobacco and explosives. The FBI, the Drug Enforcement Agency and Border Patrol will all remain.
* Fire services: are they all remain open.
* Schools: Public schools remain open, but the University of the District of Columbia will probably close.
* Air transport: air traffic controllers to remain at work, and SA will continue to screen passengers.
* Course: Federal Courts and DC, financed by federal funds, but are considered "essential", remains open. So yes, that means you have to do to go to the jury.
* Mail: U.S. Postal Service continues to deliver mail. And if you plan to send your tax record, still has a stamp on April 18. Some observers have noted IRS, however, that workers are not able to send refunds to the Washington Post. Here, it is hoped that the report already filed.
* Transportation: Metrorail and Metrobus continues to operate but a decline in passenger revenue could really hurt the already struggling to WMATA. Greater Greater Washington estimates that could with as much as a drop of 20 percent in riders, Metro about $ 250,000 per day of money he can not afford to lose to lose. All other regional bus services will also be pursued. Amtrak continues to operate well.
* Some states employees "essential" federal employees, mainly involved in public safety and protection of personal property, will continue to work. In addition, members of Congress, the president, appointed by the President, some members of the legislature and appointed some "reserved" federal employees continue to work. Chairman of the House John Boehner Good Morning America, said Thursday he thinks Congress should not be paid at closing. to pay his and Senator Joe Manchin (DW.Va.) said he would return voluntarily.
* Social security: The controls are not sent.
* Local businesses, including bars and restaurants will try to go for all these workers to have around especially on Capitol Hill. Joe Englert, the Capitol Lounge told the Post that he expects to be inundated with employees. "They do not move very far. They will not return home and they will not go to Vail. "
* Federal: After the Congressional Research Service, the last stop in 1995 and 1996 were approximately 284,000 employees on leave and another 475 000 have been working without pay. President Barack Obama has said that this time, federal workers will not be allowed to work for free. For a little more clarity on an issue gloomy, the Office of Personnel Management has launched a sophisticated management.
* DC Public Library DC libraries would close, but still many other regional library systems probably open. Arlington Public Library to encourage federal workers in the library next week, when they have nowhere to go.
* DC Department of Motor Vehicles: No road tests in person, renewal, or registration services.
* The federal museums including the Smithsonian museums, the National Archives, National Zoo and the National Gallery of Art
* Federal Monuments: Including the Washington Monument and National Park.
* Trash: If you live in the neighborhood, do you take your trash or recycling until next week. But could refuse collection after a week or more has continued in the interest of public health. Other countries should not see a fault in its garbage collection.
Even in the AIR
* The Cherry Blossom Festival Parade: The Post gives the organizers of the popular event, which they say a backup plan in search of the 13 marching bands, celebrities, pink balloons and other fun stuff. The site of the National Cherry Blossom Festival, said that approvals to participate in the parade will not be honored in a decision, but for now, the parade is still scheduled for Saturday.
* All workers in other states, many workers are still in the importance of their work is considered. John Gage, president of the American Federation of Government Employees, said on National Public Radio who still do not know if government employees their jobs counted "essential." "Stay, staff seems to say, stories of success at work Monday. Then they will be released and those who are not required to be included is nonexempt, the others being sought." Those who are sent home are heard, in their official BlackBerry, which in turn in this city at the end, the traumatic effects of the cessation of all.
* Tickets Parking: Most tickets in writing to be suspended, but tickets are still dangerous situations such as car parking issued before a hydrant, said a director of the DC city.
But while the main advisers of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) - near the White House director of legislative affairs, Rob Nabors - a clearer idea could come from the size of spending cuts, remains considerable controversy about the type of policy changes will be allowed in the final declaration.
After a leading aid democratic, the three parties met yesterday at the White House for about half past three after President Obama, Reid and Boehner calls of their own.
The negotiations were successful, "said the adjutant. Democrats have agreed to about $ 1500000000 spending cuts in the $ 33000000000 to which they had agreed to add. In return, they said that the whole package would be restructured by spending cuts in savings of $ 3000000000 Pentagon, rather than discretionary programs are created - a priority for the Democratic negotiator, said the adjutant.
The forward movement ended there, however. Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said Thursday morning: "There is no agreement on spending cuts." He added that both parties remained outside the policy issues.
In fact, "said Democratic consultant who advised on the negotiations last night was that" negotiations broke down without resolution last night riders "attached to the policy change, the direction of the GOP is the expense account.
Dispute about whether the final legislative language should be one way federal money is spent on family planning, raising. Republicans insisted that the system be amended so that funds state governments and not be sent directly to organizations - such as Planned Parenthood - themselves Democrats countered that the amendment would be de facto, one of abortions not only deny, but also a restriction of access to cancer screening, Pap smears and blood pressure are, among others.
The White House said the assistance was democratic "very strongly" against the taking of such riders. delivered on Thursday morning, in addition, both Reid and Senator Chuck Schumer (DN.Y.) both statements indicating that an agreement on the budget would be blown up, if that language was included.
And wait for the negotiators, that is the last obstacle can be overcome. Democratic staff of the White House back and worked last night on the mountain at 4 am "putting the finishing touches to what was agreed on the expenditure side of the cut from the Pentagon, said the adjutant. You are now back at the head of the White House at 1 am on Thursday for another in a series of high-stakes meetings.
Therefore, we have a list of services that should continue, which will be shut down for good, and perhaps put in place do not know until the last moment:
Open during the closure
* Law Enforcement: Public safety is not permitted in danger, although delays are expected for the processing of applications for firearms, alcohol, tobacco and explosives. The FBI, the Drug Enforcement Agency and Border Patrol will all remain.
* Fire services: are they all remain open.
* Schools: Public schools remain open, but the University of the District of Columbia will probably close.
* Air transport: air traffic controllers to remain at work, and SA will continue to screen passengers.
* Course: Federal Courts and DC, financed by federal funds, but are considered "essential", remains open. So yes, that means you have to do to go to the jury.
* Mail: U.S. Postal Service continues to deliver mail. And if you plan to send your tax record, still has a stamp on April 18. Some observers have noted IRS, however, that workers are not able to send refunds to the Washington Post. Here, it is hoped that the report already filed.
* Transportation: Metrorail and Metrobus continues to operate but a decline in passenger revenue could really hurt the already struggling to WMATA. Greater Greater Washington estimates that could with as much as a drop of 20 percent in riders, Metro about $ 250,000 per day of money he can not afford to lose to lose. All other regional bus services will also be pursued. Amtrak continues to operate well.
* Some states employees "essential" federal employees, mainly involved in public safety and protection of personal property, will continue to work. In addition, members of Congress, the president, appointed by the President, some members of the legislature and appointed some "reserved" federal employees continue to work. Chairman of the House John Boehner Good Morning America, said Thursday he thinks Congress should not be paid at closing. to pay his and Senator Joe Manchin (DW.Va.) said he would return voluntarily.
* Social security: The controls are not sent.
* Local businesses, including bars and restaurants will try to go for all these workers to have around especially on Capitol Hill. Joe Englert, the Capitol Lounge told the Post that he expects to be inundated with employees. "They do not move very far. They will not return home and they will not go to Vail. "
* Federal: After the Congressional Research Service, the last stop in 1995 and 1996 were approximately 284,000 employees on leave and another 475 000 have been working without pay. President Barack Obama has said that this time, federal workers will not be allowed to work for free. For a little more clarity on an issue gloomy, the Office of Personnel Management has launched a sophisticated management.
* DC Public Library DC libraries would close, but still many other regional library systems probably open. Arlington Public Library to encourage federal workers in the library next week, when they have nowhere to go.
* DC Department of Motor Vehicles: No road tests in person, renewal, or registration services.
* The federal museums including the Smithsonian museums, the National Archives, National Zoo and the National Gallery of Art
* Federal Monuments: Including the Washington Monument and National Park.
* Trash: If you live in the neighborhood, do you take your trash or recycling until next week. But could refuse collection after a week or more has continued in the interest of public health. Other countries should not see a fault in its garbage collection.
Even in the AIR
* The Cherry Blossom Festival Parade: The Post gives the organizers of the popular event, which they say a backup plan in search of the 13 marching bands, celebrities, pink balloons and other fun stuff. The site of the National Cherry Blossom Festival, said that approvals to participate in the parade will not be honored in a decision, but for now, the parade is still scheduled for Saturday.
* All workers in other states, many workers are still in the importance of their work is considered. John Gage, president of the American Federation of Government Employees, said on National Public Radio who still do not know if government employees their jobs counted "essential." "Stay, staff seems to say, stories of success at work Monday. Then they will be released and those who are not required to be included is nonexempt, the others being sought." Those who are sent home are heard, in their official BlackBerry, which in turn in this city at the end, the traumatic effects of the cessation of all.
* Tickets Parking: Most tickets in writing to be suspended, but tickets are still dangerous situations such as car parking issued before a hydrant, said a director of the DC city.
But while the main advisers of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) - near the White House director of legislative affairs, Rob Nabors - a clearer idea could come from the size of spending cuts, remains considerable controversy about the type of policy changes will be allowed in the final declaration.
After a leading aid democratic, the three parties met yesterday at the White House for about half past three after President Obama, Reid and Boehner calls of their own.
The negotiations were successful, "said the adjutant. Democrats have agreed to about $ 1500000000 spending cuts in the $ 33000000000 to which they had agreed to add. In return, they said that the whole package would be restructured by spending cuts in savings of $ 3000000000 Pentagon, rather than discretionary programs are created - a priority for the Democratic negotiator, said the adjutant.
The forward movement ended there, however. Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said Thursday morning: "There is no agreement on spending cuts." He added that both parties remained outside the policy issues.
In fact, "said Democratic consultant who advised on the negotiations last night was that" negotiations broke down without resolution last night riders "attached to the policy change, the direction of the GOP is the expense account.
Dispute about whether the final legislative language should be one way federal money is spent on family planning, raising. Republicans insisted that the system be amended so that funds state governments and not be sent directly to organizations - such as Planned Parenthood - themselves Democrats countered that the amendment would be de facto, one of abortions not only deny, but also a restriction of access to cancer screening, Pap smears and blood pressure are, among others.
The White House said the assistance was democratic "very strongly" against the taking of such riders. delivered on Thursday morning, in addition, both Reid and Senator Chuck Schumer (DN.Y.) both statements indicating that an agreement on the budget would be blown up, if that language was included.
And wait for the negotiators, that is the last obstacle can be overcome. Democratic staff of the White House back and worked last night on the mountain at 4 am "putting the finishing touches to what was agreed on the expenditure side of the cut from the Pentagon, said the adjutant. You are now back at the head of the White House at 1 am on Thursday for another in a series of high-stakes meetings.