

Windows 10: Skips Straight from Windows 8.

Free upgrades for the first year

Microsoft provides a free upgrade to the user to maintain the relevance of the windows. Based on Microsoft's announcement that the Windows 10 operating system will be offered as a free upgrade for users running Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Phone.
Windows 10 will remove the Windows 8 user complaints, especially the start menu are removed.

Based on the research, Microsoft Windows controls more than half of the world's computer operating systems using Windows 7, nearly 20 percent are still loyal to Windows XP, and less than 10 percent using Windows 8.1.

Launcing event in Redmond company headquarters run for a duration of two hours focused on newly acquired capabilities by introducing a virtual assistant company Cortana to the PC.

Besides showing off futuristic "hologram" computing prototype headset that makes it seem as if the computer-generated graphics are superimposed on top of the real world, allowing them to be controlled by hand gestures and voice commands.
Microsoft hopes, Windows 10 can inspire consumers to search for products, rather than just have to use it.