After the Internet service, Google has the search queries for the participants of the Song Contest evaluated, he sees Lena with 162 points at number one. In the past two years, voted the forecasts.
A good two weeks before the decision in the Euro Vision Song Contest Google dares the forecast: Lena is going to win again this year. The Internet company evaluates for the search queries for the 43 participants from - are not taken into account in each case, the queries from the own country, as Google spokesman Stefan Keuchel said on Thursday. In the past two years, Google was correct with his predictions in each case.
A good two weeks before the decision in the Euro Vision Song Contest Google dares the forecast: Lena is going to win again this year. The Internet company evaluates for the search queries for the 43 participants from - are not taken into account in each case, the queries from the own country, as Google spokesman Stefan Keuchel said on Thursday. In the past two years, Google was correct with his predictions in each case.
The frequency of search queries is clear at least one mood, said Keuchel. "It can, however, still change." The on Thursday to set up web page displays the estimated placement of all participants. On Thursday was Lena Meyer-Landrut with an expected number of 162 points, well ahead of the Irish duo Jedward (125) and the French singer Amaury Vassili (101). A graphic shows the evolution of popularity over time, links to videos with each song contest contributions complete the offer. This data is up to the decision on 14 May in Dusseldorf, updated daily.